On March 30th, the day where the mapathy symptoms were supposed to go away it seemed that the very servers that would contain and support the Modern Warfare 2 stimulus package have failed us all; mostly. I took the time to download my package first thing on Tuesday and let the whole day pass believing that there would be challenges and boy talk about challenges! Based on the reports and twitters from all over the world this was an epic fail. Here are some of the challenges that some faced:

  • Unable to connect to games.
  • MS points were not registering.
  • xbox.com site was down for a while.
  • Puchased points from stores were not active at all.
  • Title update failed the first time around and another shot at the update had to be done.
and the list goes on and on. Few were able to play any games on the new playlist. But there is hope as they say. Hope comes in the form of giving players what they want. Hope starts with letting all the playlists have the new maps. Hope may take some of the sting away tomorrow. In the meantime, might I suggest some Modern Warfare 2 montages?